Prototype 3.3 Testing underway. See Details here.
- NPC & Player collision box switching on and off upon attack
- NPC locating and moving towards player
- NPC attack player when pre specified distance reached on a 0.5 second timer.
- Player and NPC State machine switching between AnimationPlayer states.
- Player locked in place when hit and not 'move_and_slide()' on the .x axis
Pototype 3.3 After a frustrating yet rewarding 11 hour stint, I have finally developed a working state machine that allows for infinite expansion with only 31 lines of code. This allows for a very complex animation switching system while keeping it easy to add additional animation sequences. PS: Godot is amazing btw.
Prototype 3.2 Added crouching and jump / falling rough animations for testing. Works fine however there will be more than 240 individual animation frames for the player character so a State machine is required. (I have built one previously in UE5 for Prototype 1.1 however I have no idea how to make them with code)
Realised the project is small enough thatI can handle all code / art and music myself so no need for External funding from Screen Queensland.
Prototype 3.1 Build Complete.
NOTE: Donot be afraid of the code, Code is your friend! Visual languages are nice, but in the end will limit your progress. Happy new year.
Godot confirmed as new engine to work with.
Read another article re Godot and to just learn coding from the start as it gets easier as
opposed to the Visual languages getting harder to do more complex things. Godot tested and is far more intuitive than expected. Very easy to learn and looks like it would be the
perfect tool to continue working with.
Screen Queensland replied and looks like I am eligible for the Screen QLD Game Grant
program. Also found that Birdifi work with Screen Queensland Directly, so have contacted
them re the future plans. Time to get cracking.
Just read a great article comparing them both so I will still with game maker for this initial
production and move to something more complicated for the next project once I have
coding support.
Screen Queensland Contacted re Game Grant Application process.
Also need to investigate Godot engine further as I may have brushed it off too soon. Why?
Game Maker seams a bit janky and not a huge fan of it so far. It also may be quite limiting.
I will need time to site quietly with no distractions and learn it.
Animation tests started using Clipstudio.
Mobile Control system devised and needs a prototype to be tested (next on agenda)
Looking at options for Mobile version and control system to suit
Game design is changing to less hand drawn, full colour, and paper like cutouts.
Now full time with House of Normal and Birdifi Bridge, Game to proceed as full time
Left QUT full time work to pursue Art and Game design.
Life changes have delayed production. Have now decided to switch the game engine to
Game maker. I dont have the resources to continue with Unreal and to be honest its way
overpowered and complicated for a hand drawn game. Game maker is more suited to
the game style and runs happily on the old MSI laptop.
Decided on Main player keyframe moves however some will need to be added later on as I get to it. At least I can start designing now and move on.
A computer running Unreal is not needed for the bulk of production, after looking at the
Jira Timeline, most of the production is hand drawn animation which can be completed during lunch breaks at work.
Work computer has died and no cash to buy a new one. Production on hold indefinitely,
Only artwork can continue, and Unreal work must be done at home on weekends.
Main level enemy types decided upon background types decided upon (Main level only) Belt Colour Swap out Visuals system decision made
Game Menu Ui and flow chart Complete. Progress has slowed for the time being. Production will be delayed approx. 12 days.
A problem has arisen, The belt colour swap out system and animation state system may be more complicated than originally expected, needs to be investigated before animation start.
Belt colours decided
Initial Production Schedule Completed Screen Sizing Chart Assessed and completed
Production delayed due to hospitalisation for Heart condition
Prototype completed and signed off.